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How to use liquid syntax to display perfect intent and enable sales teams
How to use liquid syntax to display perfect intent and enable sales teams
Updated over 10 months ago

One of Lonescale's secret weapons is conditional text and logic to personalize the results you want to display in your tools (and the icebreakers).

You can use logical comparators to create dynamic message flows and push the result in your tools (Salesforce, Hubspot, etc).

Example of a result within Salesforce

{% if outbound_context != "" %}Outbound: {{outbound_context}}{% else %}{% endif %}
{% if count_category_CRM>3 %}High score{% else %}{% endif %}

This code is looking for:

  1. the existence of outbound_context.
    If it exists, it will display the text "Outbound:" then the content of the outbound_context variable.
    If it's empty, it will display nothing.

  2. Then, check if the category CRM count is greater than 3.
    If yes, it will display a "high score".

  3. If it's empty, it will display nothing.

    Here are all the operations that work

How to use liquid syntax to create a powerful copy:

{% if outbound_context != "" %} 🚀 Outbound context:
{{outbound_context}}{% else %}{% endif %}

{% if keywords_category_CRM '==' "salesforce" %} {{company_namer}}'s CRM is Salesforce {% else %} They don't use our partner Salesforce {% endif %}

Example of task or insight you can use for your sales team:

⚠️ Your classification category names should be "keyword", "integration" and "competitor":

👉 Here are the info extracted from the job post "{{job_name}}":

🕵 Researched keywords were:

{% if context_category_keyword != "" %} • Keyword: {{context_category_keyword}} {% endif %}

{% if keywords_category_integration != "" %} • Integrations: {{keywords_category_integration}} {% endif %}

{% if keywords_category_competitor != "" %} • Competitors: {{keywords_category_competitor}} {% endif %}

👉 Company info:
{{company_name}} | {{company_linkedin_url}}
Headcount: {{company_staff_count}}

Potential Errors
- Make sure you've closed all the curly braces correctly
- Ensure you've used single quotes around the operator
- Confirm that the text you've input matches the condition you want it to show for

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